First hospitality job:
Unofficially - Room Attendant Age 6, Officially - Guest Service Agent Age 14
Age you started working in hospitality:
Your inspiration to begin working in hospitality:
Parents bought a motel and put their life savings into it. The rest is history...
My hospitality mentor:
My parents - they taught me that despite being from another country, you could instill your culture and the importance of the art of hospitality. The Indian culture is all about giving and my parents made sure to instill those values in me.
What are your favourite aspects of your job?
Meeting new people and being able to give back and be a part of someone's life whether it's for work or pleasure or an important event in their journey!
What has inspired you to continue your career path in hospitality?
Honestly, I'd have to say the constant change and the people. Hospitality is one of the few industries in this world where no two days are alike and there's always something you can experience in a typical day that you haven't seen before. Combine that with meeting new people and it's a winner!
Advice for students interested in a career in hospitality:
Don't look at Hospitality as a minimum wage industry. It's an entry point in life to gain valuable life experiences that will help you in all facets of life. It's an industry where the skills are transferrable worldwide so what's stopping you from living your best life? Hospitality for the win!