First hospitality job:
Host/Bussing Tables
Age you started working in hospitality:
Your inspiration to begin working in hospitality:
Truthfully, it was the first place that hired me after applying for a summer job. Love of hospitality came later when going to Humber College
My hospitality mentor:
Many professors from Humber College definitely guided my journey in hospitality. Nearly 20 years since first attending, we still stay in touch to this day.
What are your favourite aspects of your job?
I enjoy the fact that everyday is different. Whether it's working with guests from around the world, groups of every shape and size, or an employee base that is extremely diverse, there is never a dull day in hospitality.
What has inspired you to continue your career path in hospitality?
The connections and relationships that have been made in the industry. Despite being an extremely large sector of employees, we all know each other in some shape or form from our journey.
Advice for students interested in a career in hospitality:
Everyone loves to travel and enjoy great food. Working in an industry that opens doors to these enjoyments is exciting and thrilling. Each day being different, and the connections you make last a lifetime.